Today’s NATA convention schedule is packed with content! From BOC-approved EBP programing to the keynote presentation, get ready for a day full of events in Hall C of the George R. Brown Convention Center.
The EBP programing, “Leaving the Lab and Stepping onto the Battlefield: Using 15 Years of Injury Prevention Research in the U.S. Military to Guide the Future,” is from 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the George R. Brown Convention Center Hall C. The session, moderated by Darin Padua, PhD, ATC, will feature presentations related to athletic training in the military, including:
- “The Revolution – Leaving the Lab: Developing a Field-Based Systematic Approach to Sports Injury Prevention in Military Cadets,” by Anthony Beutler, MD, USAF, MC
- “The Revolt – Learning from Injury Prevention Failure in Deploying U.S. Marines,” by Sarah de la Motte, PhD, MPH, ATC
- “The Reformation – Moving Left of the Boom: Targeting the Entry-Level Pipeline for Primary Injury Prevention,” Timothy Gribbin, MEd, ATC
Following the EBP programing, the NATA Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. in GRBCC Hall C. During the ceremony, the seven Hall of Fame inductees -- John H. Anderson, MS, ATC, Fran Babich, MS, ATC, Tanya Dargusch, LAT, ATC, Katherine I. Dieringer, EdD, LAT, ATC, MaryBeth Horodyski, EdD, LAT, ATC, Jeff McKibbin, MEd, LAT, ATC, and Michael O'Shea, MA, ATC, LAT—will be honored for their contributions and service to the athletic training profession.
The NATA 2017 General Session/Annual Members Meeting will commence at 3 p.m. in GRBCC Hall C. NATA President Scott Sailor, EdD, ATC, will update the NATA membership on the latest achievements and future goals of the association. At 4 p.m., after General Session concludes, the 2017 NATA Keynote, sponsored by Cramer, will take to the stage.
This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Zubin Damania, who will bring down the house with his unique mix of humor and inspiration. During his 10 years as an internist at Stanford, he won clinical teaching awards while maintaining a side career as ZDoggMD, a stand-up comedian with a knack for medical satire. He may deliver his words through music and parody, but the message is about more than just laughs. Dr. Z is passionate about building a health care culture he coined, “Health 3.0,” that is focused on medicine as a calling, not a career.