Press Releases

Mar 2014
WASHINGTON, March 10, 2014 – In its continued effort to address appropriate safety measures for youth athletes, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association hosted today the fifth annual Youth Sports Safety Summit in Washington, D.C. The event built upon the success of the NATA-founded Youth Sports Safety Alliance and its prior summits. The Alliance, comprising nearly 150 organizations, is committed to preventing catastrophic injury and illness in youth athletes. The program will culminate with visits to legislators on Capitol Hill on March 11.
Jan 2014
DALLAS, January 28, 2014 –With the Super Bowl just days away and the Olympics kicking off next week, February is turning out to be a super month for sports. And, with dangerously cold weather wreaking havoc across the country, aficionados of either event may be motivated to try new activities with renewed energy and commitment.
Oct 2013
Date: Oct. 30, 2013 Extensive Study on Concussions in Youth Sports Finds 'Culture of Resistance' for Self-Reporting Injury; Not Enough Evidence to Support Claim That Helmets Reduce Concussion Risk
Oct 2013
Leaders in sports medicine, children’s advocacy back USA Football’s Heads Up Football program, supported by NFL Contact: Steve Alic , USA Football, 317/489-4417 The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National PTA and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) have partnered with...
Sep 2013
Indianapolis, September 25, 2013 –At a national press conference this morning, leading health care professionals released an inter-association task force consensus statement titled, “ Recommendations for Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the...
Aug 2013
DALLAS, August 13, 2013 – The National Athletic Trainers’ Association released today an official statement regarding the calling of crown of the helmet violations in an effort to ensure sports safety at every level of football participation and with the start of preseason games and practices soon underway. The statement recognizes the work of the NFL, NCAA and National Federation of State High School Associations, which have studied injury patterns and created rules related to top of the head contact.
Jul 2013
DALLAS, July 16, 2013 – The National Athletic Trainers’ Association released today inter-association task force recommendations titled “ Best Practices for Sports Medicine Management for Secondary Schools and Colleges .” The statement is believed to be the first of its kind that focuses on specific protocols to ensure effective and efficient sports medicine procedures in these school settings.